In order to gain access to the United States market, the regulatory requirements are set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Depending on the type of product there are two Equipment Authorization Procedures to get the product into the market depending on Product type:


Since many countries worldwide refer to FCC regulations, when addressing a worldwide homologation project it is required to proceed with the Certification approach.


    Summary of the FCC Requirements 

    As mentioned the Equipment Authorization Procedures consist in two paths depending on product characteristics: Certification, Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity.

    FCC Certification is the most rigorous approval process applicable for RF Devices. It is an equipment authorization issued by an FCC-recognized Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) based on an evaluation of the supporting documentation and test data submitted by the responsible party (e.g., the manufacturer or importer) to the TCB. Testing is performed by an FCC-recognized accredited testing laboratory. Information including the technical parameters and descriptive information for all certified equipment is posted on a Commission-maintained public database. All radio/wireless equipment fall into this Authorization Procedure.

    Applus+ services as Authorized Test firm and TCB

    Applus+ is recognised by the FCC both as an authorised test firm (ISO/IEC 17025 accredited), and as a TCB ES0002 (ISO/IEC 17065 accredited). We can generate conformity certificates providing wireless products with access to the US market.

    Our European laboratories are accredited by the FCC and we are an approved TCB for the following product categories:

    • A1: Low-power transmitters operating on frequencies below 1 GHz (except spread-spectrum devices), emergency alert systems, unintentional radiators y consumer ISM devices
    • A2: Low-power transmitters operating on frequencies above 1 GHz (except spread-spectrum devices)
    • A4: Low-power transmitters using spread-spectrum techniques
    • B1: Commercial Mobile (Radio) Services in 47 CFR Parts 20, 22 (cellular), 24, 25 (below 3 GHz), and 27

    FCC Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) is a procedure that requires the party responsible for compliance ensure that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards. The responsible party, who must be located in the United States, is not required to file an equipment authorization application with the Commission or a TCB. Equipment authorized under the SDoC procedure is not listed in a Commission database. However, the responsible party or any other party marketing the equipment must provide a test report and other information demonstrating compliance with the rules upon request by the Commission. Radio products does not fall into this Equipment Authorization Procedure.

    Label requirements:

    For certification, the product shall bear a nameplate or label with the FCC Identifier (FCC ID). The FCC ID must always be accessible when using the product. The placement of the FCC ID must be a physical label on the product, unless an e-label is used. The FCC ID shall be as follows:


    Physical FCC ID labels must be located on the surface of the product, or within a user-accessible nondetachable compartment (such as the battery compartment). The label shall be permanently affixed, permitting the device to be positively identified.

    When the device is so small, or for such use that it is impracticable to label with a font size that is fourpoints or larger (and the device does not utilize electronic labeling), then the FCC ID shall be placed in the user manual, and the FCC ID shall also be placed either on the device packaging or on a removable label attached to the device.

    Devices authorized under the SDoC procedure have the option to use the FCC logo to indicate compliance with the FCC rules, the logo may be included in the iuser manual or as part of an e-label.



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